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"RCMETROCITIZENS IN TRANSITION"  is the project for the Metropolitan Agenda for Sustainable Development in implementation of the National and Regional Strategy 2030 promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, by the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria (Sector 5 - Education and professional training) with scientific partner the ABITALab dArTe Interuniversity Center of the "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria.

The Notice  Metropolitan Agendas for Sustainable Development

The proposal responds to  "Public Notice addressed to Metropolitan Cities for the presentation of Expressions of Interest for activities referred to in art. 34 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 and SSMMII regarding the implementation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy".







The Agreement between the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria and the MATTM DG-SVI ( Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea, Directorate General for Development),  Ex art.15 law of 7 August 1990, n.241 and subsequent amendments 28.11.2019, defines the  Collaboration aimed at defining Metropolitan Agendas for Sustainable Development,  capable of making a contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the Regional Strategies  for Sustainable Development.


L'avviso Agende Metropolitane SvS

The objectives of the proposal

A sustainable vision for the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria: "RCMetroCitizens in Transition"



The Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria  it is made up of 97 municipalities, has an extension of 3,210.37 square kilometers and is populated by 548,009 inhabitants (data 2019), 27% of the regional population. In the municipality of Reggio Calabria there are 179,675 inhabitants (March 2019), about 32% of the population of the Metropolitan City.

Faced with a territorial and natural heritage of great value, as well as a large presence of cultural and environmental assets, the Metropolitan City has suffered in recent years a depopulation due to the demographic degradation of the entire Calabria Region. This has weakened the productive and economic structures of the territories, making the care of services for the quality of life of the communities, a goal sought with great efforts by local institutions.  


In this era of global and local transition, transfer and exchange UN, national and regional Sustainable Development (SvS) goals  with civil society, it can only be a good coupling of the permanent control room of the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria, for the strategy over time and with the support of a competent network (universities, professional associations, etc.), for the promotion and the transfer of training and information on the issues , with the possibility of involving other institutions throughout the territory (eg the educational institutes of the district) and the metropolitan communities of local authorities, through making actions .


With reference to the construction of the contents of the Metropolitan Agenda, we will proceed with a multi-level and multidimensional approach (also with reference to the Sustainability Vectors ), building experimental thematic projects that initiate actions based on intervention priorities  on the five areas indicated ( 5P - People , Planet, Prosperity , Peace , Partnership ).


The three categories of project objectives are defined below:

Gli obiettivi


Construction of the Governance of metropolitan agendas for sustainable development: the control room and the scientific team


Knowledge transfer (training and information) on SNSvS:  the Green Jobs


Definition of Metropolitan Agendas for SvS  and monitoring with the sustainability vectors of the  Metropolitan Strategic Plan

Governance construction activities will take into account the  thematic objectives  which refer both to actions, projects, policies already activated to date through the programs established by the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria  and to be activated with the proposal , according to a vision to be shared and built through the sharing of the new governance Agenda 2030, to which integration with the strategic plan of the Metropolitan City must also refer.


The Partners


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Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria

Sector 5 - Education and Vocational Training

MiTe (ex MATTM) - Directorate General for Development

Dr. Paolina Pepe

Division I Manager - DG SVI




Manager  Sector 5 - Education and Vocational Training

Dr. Francesco Macheda  




Head of the University Guidance Office and EU Policies 

Dr. Maria Lea Quattrone


  Scientific partner

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Prof. Arch. Consuelo Nava 

Scientific director of the ABITALab dArTe UniRC Interuniversity Center



Arch. PhD Giuseppe Mangano

Research fellow - ABITALab dArTe UniRC Interuniversity Center

  Other entities




Bodies, Associations and other subjects adhering to and involved in the project

[Learn more here]

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Schools in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria with technical-scientific courses (scientific high schools, surveyor, artistic high schools with specialization in Architecture)

[Learn more here]

I partners

"RCMetroCitizens in Transition" and the SNSvS

The strategic vision can be said to be fully satisfied, with the promotion and implementation of all the choices referred to the strategic areas of the National Strategy. 
On the
five areas indicated - people, planet, prosperity, peace, partnership - it is possible to identify actions that can be strengthened and actions to be activated with the proposal, certainly for the area  "Vectors of sustainability" it will be necessary to start the monitoring system, right from the start of the control room and its governance, with the possibility of contributing to the population of selected Istat indicators, across the thematic projects and actions proposed for category A and B, also on category C to operate also with the monitoring of the sustainability vectors  of the Metropolitan Strategic Plan in progress.



I.5 -  II.2

III.1  - III.2 - III.4 - III.5

I.1 - I.2 - I.3 - I.5

VI.2 - VI.3 - VI.4 - VI.5

VII.2 - VII.3 - VIII.2

I.1 - I.3 - II.2

III.1 - III.4 - III.5 - III.6

IV.1 - IV.2

I.1 - 1.2 - 1.3


Pilot actions 4, 5 and 6 and ASviS patronage

The territorialization actions of the implementation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development ", the education and training path on Agenda2030 with the Civic and Educational Ecosystem, the scientific and technical activities for the national indicators on the SNsvS, for Actions 4" Knowledge MetroCity ", 6" CoDesign MetroCity "and 5" Goals MetroCity ",  have obtained the patronage of the ASviS-Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development.

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