Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria
Sector 5 - Vocational training
Scientific partner
Under the patronage of
"RCMetroCitizens in Transition" poses particular attention to the strategic area "Sustainability Vectors" of the National and Regional Sustainable Development Strategy on the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Sustainability Objectives of all the actions pursued in the project.
"The" Monitoring and evaluation of policies, plans, projects "includes the objectives that make it possible to ensure the creation and implementation of integrated systems for monitoring and evaluating policies, plans and projects. These systems constitute the reference framework for the assessments of the SNSvS, for the analysis and assessment of the overall effects of the entire decision-making process, allowing to understand if and in what way the dynamics in place in the territories are consistent with the objectives set. "
Extract from MATTM (2017), National Sustainable Development Strategy Document, Rome
Vectors of sustainability and monitoring in the SNSvS
II. Monitoring and evaluation of policies, plans, projects
II.1 - Ensure the definition and management continuity of integrated systems for monitoring and evaluating policies, plans and projects;
II.2- Implement the integrated system of monitoring and evaluation of the SNSvS, guaranteeing the effectiveness of management and continuity of implementation
The vectors of sustainability are transversal areas of action of the SNSvS, to be considered as fundamental levers to initiate, guide, manage and monitor the integration of sustainability in policies, plans and projects, in line with the transformative process triggered at international level by the Agenda 2030. [...]
Istat is conducting the analysis of the indicators suggested by the Inter Agency Expert Group on SDGs and has started the work of inter-institutional comparison, inside and outside the borders of Sistan, which will allow to complete the construction of a methodologically consistent mapping , integrated and shared and to evaluate the overall availability of indicators for SDGs. [...]
In May 2017, Istat published 100 SDGs indicators (34 more than the dissemination carried out in December 2016) and, for these, 173 indicators are made available. The road-map foresees to continue in the definition and implementation of the indicators provided for by the 2030 Agenda, in the development of the necessary indicators,
Monitoring activities in RCMetroCitizensInTransition
(extracts from the proposal form)
The strategic vision of the RCMetroCitizens in Transition project will be fully satisfied, with the promotion and implementation of all the choices referred to the strategic areas of the National Strategy; certainly the control room and the choice to work on a system for monitoring and evaluating policies, plans and projects, will serve as an activator and reinforcement for all the objectives to be pursued 2030.
On the five areas indicated - people, planet, prosperity, peace, partnership - it is possible to identify actions that can be strengthened and actions to be activated with the proposal: certainly for the area "Vectors of sustainability" it will be necessary to start the monitoring system , right from the start of the control room and its governance, with the possibility of contributing to the population of selected indicators Istat, in a transversal manner on the thematic projects and actions proposed for category A and B, also on category C also operate with the integration of the Metropolitan Strategic Plan in progress [...]
Sustainability vectors for RCMCiT
Particular attention is paid to the strategic area "Sustainability Vectors" of the National Strategy and of the proposal that will launch the Regional Strategy, on the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Sustainability Objectives of all the actions pursued in the proposal. [...]
In particular, in order to direct some trajectories on the contribution to the drafting of the Metropolitan Strategic Plan, Category C, with its actions, systematizes everything when received by the actions of categories A and B and in particular focuses on a system of indicators capable of providing references of effectiveness and guidelines for design and vision choices for the Plan itself, with reference to theme 5 - PLANET